
Welcome to Alta Fordale!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 13,191
  • Children: 12.10% (1,596)
  • Elderly: 24.49% (3,231)

Racial Breakdown

  • 4,894 lycanthrope (37.1%)
  • 4,644 lizardfolk (35.2%)
  • 2,665 dwarf (20.2%)
  • 383 troglodyte (2.9%)
  • 357 human (2.7%)
  • 132 deep dwarf (1%)
  • 116 other (0.8%)


  • 5 Districts
  • 268 Businesses
  • 1,981 Specialists
  • 1,617 Residences

Summary [-]

Alta Fordale is a city in the Lower Sarbor District with a mixed population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This desolate city is densely populated (20,176/sq km), covers 0.65 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 909 meters.

Climate [-]

Alta Fordale has a Temperate Deciduous Forest climate, which is characterized by warm and wet summers with mild and dry winters, and has prevernal, spring, summer, monsoon, autumn and winter seasons. Winds in the region are breezy and the temperature is generally chilly with minor variation. Precipitation is trivial, and the sky is partly cloudy.

Astronomy [-]

Alta Fordale sees a single star overhead: Cej, a large white star. Alta Fordale also has a double moon: Spome, an average bone white moon and Chaka, an average pale yellow moon. In the night sky, you see nothing unusual.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

Visitors are greeted with a weather-beaten oak barrier that is 3 meters tall. The city wall protects the core 100% of the city, with 5 towers spread along the 3.66 kilometer wall.

Streets [-]

There are 6 roads leading to Alta Fordale; 2 roads are major. The city is lined with even cobblestone paths in a contour-forming pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: market, poor, military, wealthy, and trade.

Government [-]

Alta Fordale is governed through a monarchy, where the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a monarch who reigns with constitutionally limited authority. The government as a whole is seen as surprisingly decent. Officials in Alta Fordale are often seen as unethical and the policies are revered. The political influence of Alta Fordale in the region is declining due to a thwarted assassination attempt. In times of crisis, the population is eager to point fingers.

Leader [-]

Alta Fordale is ruled by Prince Kadr Brainrender. The Prince has been in power for decades and is mocked by the people. There is public opposition to the Prince and policies. The right to rule was granted by appointment, and that power is maintained through a knowledgeable and just populace.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a neighborhood watch, who can be bribed. Justice is served by jurors, with a common punishment being an eye for an eye.

Crime [-]

Crime is common. The most common crime is fraud. The imprisonment rate is 0.42% of the population (55 adults).

Military [-]

Alta Fordale has a negative attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 1747 citizens (13.25%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 758 (5.75%). Of the active duty military, 87 (5%) are special forces. Due to their negative attitude and weather-beaten barrier, Alta Fordale is abysmally fortified. Alta Fordale fighters are mocked for their use of great clubs in battle. They are much loved for their guerrilla warfare and are considered excellently skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in Alta Fordale is currently steady.

Resources [-]

Alta Fordale is known for the following resources:

  • Dangerous chinchilla colonies that are feared by zombies. One might find a stash of iron maidens in a well.
  • Plentiful guano deposits that are visited frequently by magic users.
  • A magical mine inhabited by wild kittens that are frequented by zombies. Elhra said the locals speak of bags of iron maidens buried near there.
  • A magical castle inhabited by tame scorpions that are feared by magic users. Rumors tell of bags of emeralds in a well.
  • Unlimited primal peat swamps that are avoided by magic users. Nip said one might find piles of gold in a tomb nearby.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • Legends tell of Davry's Bedpan, a magical bedpan with the knack to summon angels. It was never recovered.
  • Long ago, the townsfolk of Boomton lived in harmony. Things were always nice, but one day a ghoul named Kil'k'morn kidnapped a princess. The townsfolk tried to kill Kil'k'morn, but were caught. Along came Tudods Irondeath the hobgoblin, who was a valiant knight. Tudods had the thought to slay the ghoul by killing the ghoul while she slept. When Tudods Irondeath faced the ghoul, Tudods Irondeath banished Kil'k'morn.
  • Some time ago, the royals of Grantmore Vista lived in peace. Things were peaceful, but one day a wizard named Ghezin fe Ghessen kidnapped a princess. The royals tried to stop the wizard, but failed miserably. Along came a melancholy half-elf named Larhiathil Starwhisper, who was an expert bowman. Larhiathil had a plan to trick the wizard by killing the wizard while he slept. When Larhiathil Starwhisper faced the wizard, Larhiathil Starwhisper defeated Ghezin fe Ghessen.
  • Legends tell of Aesleniyn's Rose, a cursed rose with the knack to solve any riddle. It hasn't reappeared in years.
  • Long, long ago, a witch hunted the fields every six years and was drawn towards murderers. Some say that the witch will ask a favor of you, then steal your soul.

Events [-]

Alta Fordale is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • Scholar seeks rare supplies: Scholar unable to gather fresh paper due to age, seeks trustworthy agents to gather materials for research. Reward is a secret. Contact Malan Wizzfiz for more details.
  • I have rabbits in my basement, plz halp! Will pay in gold. Contact S'herzin teh Khalal for more details.
  • Hearty souls needed to recover stolen ring of Cerobleh. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Todduk Skullsnapper.
  • Bored? toads-catcher needed to keep the beasties away from the sheep and cattle. Experienced professionals only. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact S'hooral heh S'hoorssen.
  • Mercenaries wanted for caravan protection. May include some hazards. Reward available. Contact Khalssen teh Khalal.
  • Someone stole my painting. Find the louse, dead or alive. Safety not guaranteed. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Chariginne Shadowshine.
  • Laborer required to bring stones to the castle. Wagon provided. May include some hazards. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Brot Giantshadow for more information.
  • A passing Cleric is needed for a small security job on the 3rd of the month. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Elavarlas Whitegazer.
  • caber-tossing contest this weekend. Special prize for first place finish. Reward is a secret. Contact Belvarssa Dawncloak for more information.
  • Need a change of pace? I have grigs in my basement, plz halp! Reward available. Mild danger may be involved. Contact Baldin Oatmace.
  • I'm looking for rare homuncului, both live and dead. I have a list of the ones I need. A little danger is involved, so expect hazardous duty pay. Reward available. Contact Dzuub Metalmouth.
  • Required: Seeking inter-planar messenger. Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Thorbul Bearcavern.
  • Looking for work? Bounty for stirge, dead or alive. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Mordin Stormboot for more information.
  • I have lizards in my basement, plz halp! Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Zat.
  • Someone stole my goat. Find the louse, dead or alive. Length of job expected to be short. Will pay in gold. Contact S'hooral teh Ghezor for more details.
  • Bored? Bounty for rats, dead or alive. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Cotdan Tiddlytonk.
  • Need a change of pace? I'm looking for a Transcriber. Need expert to translate runes. References required. Reward available. Contact Danes Andreord if interested.

People [-]

The people in Alta Fordale are accepting of outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • Khalzin seh S'hoorzin is a female lizardfolk who is known in the region as being a mediocre plasterer. She appears scattered.
  • Anlak is a male troglodyte who is known in the world as being a mocked illuminator. He appears homesick.
  • Jam Corill is a female human who is known in that part of town as being a mediocre blacksmith. She appears boastful.
  • Elhg is a female troglodyte who is known in that part of town as being a mediocre bowyer. She appears impatient.
  • Dones Goodll is a male lycanthrope who is known in that part of town as being a skilled porter. He appears embittered.
  • Ghezor ahn Khalssen is a female lizardfolk who is known in that part of town as being a renowned official. She appears xenophobic.
  • Ghessen heh Khalzor is a female lizardfolk who is known in the region as being a poorly skilled mercer. She appears gosipy.
  • Yorond Blacktunnel is a female deep dwarf who is known in the world as being a gifted bowyer. She appears cowed.
  • Joic Staridge is an androgynous lycanthrope who is known in the city as being a poorly skilled blacksmith. It appears drunken.
  • Skamir Wavecavern is a female deep dwarf who is known in the region as being a gifted coach driver. She appears forgetful.
  • Khalal se Yerzin is a female lizardfolk who is known in the region as being a decent official. She appears healthy.
  • Garond Crystalslasher is a female dwarf who is known in the neighborhood as being a mediocre cutler. She appears pacifistic.
  • Khalzor teh Yeral is a female lizardfolk who is known in the neighborhood as being a decent specialty smith. She appears treasure-obsessed.
  • Dav Martiin is a female human who is known in the neighborhood as being a laughably skilled bucklemaker. She appears solemn.
  • Jame Clayidge is a female human who is known in the city as being a reasonably skilled tailor. She appears jesterly.
  • Baldal Oatcrown is a male deep dwarf who is known in the world as being a skilled entertainer. He appears intimidating.
  • S'hoorzor fe S'hoorzin is a male lizardfolk who is known in that part of town as being a laughably skilled soldier. He appears smug.
  • Gorgan Forgehead is a male deep dwarf who is known in the region as being a skilled actor. He appears nervous.
  • Mick Jacking is a male human who is known in the region as being a gifted baker. He appears fashion concious.
  • Porlak is a female troglodyte who is known in the city as being a renowned scabbardmaker. She appears nosy.
  • James Andrield is a male lycanthrope who is known in that part of town as being a poorly skilled chickenbutcher. He appears sick.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Disrall, a gambling female mindflayer. She is a fighter who is here to secretly assassinate a ruler.
  • Dan Morerton, a lovelorn male lycanthrope. He is a paladin who is here to destroy a rumor.
  • Adalanlas Freanistryke, a smitten male elf. He is a rogue who is traveling the world as a missionary.
  • Wourc, a deluded female mindflayer. She is a commoner who is on a mission from the gods.
  • Dzuerm Nightcutter, a giddy male hobgoblin. He is a commoner who is cleaning out a bug infestation.
  • Rbunk Wormwiser, a vengeful female hobgoblin. She is a fighter who is on a mission to capture someone.
  • Halellai Freaniblaze, a smitten female elf. She is a commoner who is seeing the city.
  • Brobor Icecask, a loud female dwarf. She is a warrior who is finding a long-lost distant relative.
  • Nhoggagh Armcracker The Red, a contrarian female orc. She is a monk who is following rumors of riches.
  • Drodin Jademine, a lovelorn female deep dwarf. She is an expert who is brokering a truce over escalating tension.
  • Ardor Pearlbellows, a jesterly male deep dwarf. He is a ranger who is finding work as a skilled laborer.
  • Elhka, an egotistical female troglodyte. She is a commoner who is cleaning out a slum.
  • Niz, a jaded male kobold. He is a wizard who is on a mission from the gods.
  • S'herssen ahn Khalal, a deluded female lizardfolk. She is a commoner who is seeking revenge.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in Alta Fordale:

  • The Great Whisper Sheath Store [+]
  • The Flying Snake Inc. [+]
  • The Flaming Iron Inc. [+]
  • The Murdered Virgin Inc. [+]
  • The Wistful Stump Shop [+]
  • The Surly Wand of Hell [+]
  • The Hanging Rock Millers [+]
  • The Wistful Skull Outlet [+]
  • The Whistling Ulcer Inc. [+]
  • The Horny Imps Legal Partners [+]
  • The Gutted Yawning Harnesses [+]
  • The Orange Crow Firepit [+]
  • The Perfumed House Vineyards [+]
  • The Puking Skull Locksmith [+]
  • The Boiling Helix Fish Camp [+]
  • The Broken Beauty Leatherworks [+]
  • The Thirsty Maiden Temple [+]
  • The Raging Mug Arena [+]
  • The Wobbling Ivy Construction [+]
  • The Royal Frogs Chop House [+]
  • The Short Dwarves Bindary [+]