
Welcome to Limbar!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 408
  • Children: 20.34% (83)
  • Elderly: 18.38% (75)

Racial Breakdown

  • 273 troglodyte (66.9%)
  • 79 orc (19.3%)
  • 37 goblin (9%)
  • 18 minotaur (4.4%)
  • 1 other (0.2%)


  • 4 Districts
  • 15 Businesses
  • 18 Specialists
  • 51 Residences

Summary [-]

Limbar is a hamlet in the Kinloon Territory with a monster population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This desolate hamlet is lightly populated (447/sq km), covers 0.91 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 1076 meters.

Climate [-]

Limbar has a Tropical Savanna climate, which is characterized by constant high temperatures and a pronounced dry season, and has rainy and dry seasons. Winds in the region are soft and the temperature is generally warm with minor variation. Precipitation is trivial, and the sky is cloudy.

Astronomy [-]

Limbar sees a single star overhead: Nan, a massive blue star. Limbar also has no moons. In the night sky, you see a celestial object: an imposing asteroid belt that has been around for only a few years.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

No walls currently surround the city.

Streets [-]

There are 5 roads leading to Limbar; 2 roads are major. The city is lined with muddy dirt roads in an irregular pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: market, middleclass, trade, and professional.

Government [-]

Limbar is governed through a commonwealth, where state authority is founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good. The government as a whole is seen as surprisingly skillful. Officials in Limbar are often seen as disreputable and the policies are hated. The political influence of Limbar in the region is shrinking due to riots in the region. In times of crisis, the population cowers in fear.

Leader [-]

Limbar is ruled by Prime Minister Yerssen seh Khalal. The Prime Minister has been in power for years and is hated by the people. There is hostile opposition to the Prime Minister and policies. The right to rule was granted by foreign imposition, and that power is maintained by secret police raiding homes in the dead of night.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a police, but are loosely enforced. Justice is served by mob rule, with a common punishment being torture.

Crime [-]

Crime is unheard of. The most common crime is treason. The imprisonment rate is 0.74% of the population (3 adults).

Military [-]

Limbar has a negative attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 57 citizens (14%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 23 (5.75%). Of the active duty military, 1 (3.25%) are special forces. Due to their negative attitude and lack of defensible wall, Limbar is tolerably fortified. Limbar fighters are respected for their use of thrown weapons in battle. They are revered for their rigid formations and are considered poorly skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in Limbar is currently unwavering.

Resources [-]

Limbar is known for the following resources:

  • Palm oil harvests that are feared by travelers. Mal Gardnertan said one might dig up a stash of platinum hidden around somewhere.
  • Bountiful magic coffee patches that are visited frequently by magic users. Rumors tell of bags of monkey wrenches in a tomb nearby.
  • Vampire kangaroo mobs that are frequented by gru. The locals speak of a chest containing monkey wrenches hidden around somewhere.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • A long time ago, a demon named Tbomd roamed the region. They say that if you caught her, you will never be seen again.
  • Way back when, a devil named Khak frequented the fields at dusk. Folks say that if you confront her, you will be stricken deaf.
  • Many years ago, an old man haunted the fields and was drawn towards those that have killed innocents. They say that the old man will sneeze three times, then eat you.
  • Legends tell of Ilnalthil's Trident, a magical trident with the ability to dominate others. It mysteriously disappeared.

Events [-]

Limbar is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • Looking for work? Taurinand Clawwind has been kidnapped! Generous payment for safe return. Reward available. Contact Mickry Clayliffe.
  • Fighter seeks apprentice. Reward is a secret. Contact Duap Oxsnout.
  • Required: whiskey tester wanted. Will pay in gold. References required. Contact Jun Tinkerfuel.
  • Need a change of pace? Mercenaries wanted for caravan protection. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Must not smell. Contact Donry Braston.
  • Bored? tincure tester wanted. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Naromn Evilkill.
  • Arrim Goldbreaker has been kidnapped! Generous payment for safe return. References required. Will pay in gold. Contact Rat.
  • Looking for something new? Laborer required to bring stones to the castle. Wagon provided. Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Davic Davidinson.

People [-]

The people in Limbar ignore outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • Kuoniki Sumkan is a male minotaur who is known in the city as being a decent entertainer. He appears resentful.
  • Magaer Athsinger is a female minotaur who is known in the world as being a mediocre smith. She appears smitten.
  • Byleara Longak is a male minotaur who is known in the city as being a gifted cheesemaker. He appears giddy.
  • Kyrrell Domchaser is a female minotaur who is known in the neighborhood as being a mediocre pastrycook. She appears battle-ready.
  • Hamtek Winternon is a female minotaur who is known in the world as being a legendary scabbardmaker. She appears helpful.
  • Nhukig Headsnapper is a male orc who is known in that part of town as being a poorly skilled illuminator. He appears cautious.
  • Tharuzg Skullkiller is a female orc who is known in the world as being a decent painter. She appears lovelorn.
  • Cirinorgath Swiftthorn is a female minotaur who is known in the region as being a legendary bucklemaker. She appears spiteful.
  • Treb Oozebone is a female goblin who is known in that part of town as being a mediocre cooper. She appears shifty.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Yip, a mopey female kobold. She is an adept who is doing something nefarious.
  • Danic Dilworth, a forbidding female lycanthrope. She is an expert who is finding a missing treasure.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in Limbar:

  • The Crooked Axehandle Inc. [+]
  • The Elven Halflings Money Changers [+]
  • The Mended Maiden Barrels [+]
  • The Whistling Virgin Inc. [+]
  • The Eastern Tower Shop [+]
  • The Flying Wand Inc. [+]
  • The Fiery Axehandle Shoppe [+]
  • The Noisy Octopus Inc. [+]
  • The Tipsy Toad Supplies [+]