
Welcome to Steelville!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 3,900
  • Children: 21.18% (826)
  • Elderly: 18.00% (702)

Racial Breakdown

  • 2,223 gnome (57%)
  • 1,077 half-dwarf (27.6%)
  • 266 half-elf (6.8%)
  • 234 half-orc (6%)
  • 94 human (2.4%)
  • 6 other (0.1%)


  • 4 Districts
  • 125 Businesses
  • 538 Specialists
  • 417 Residences

Summary [-]

Steelville is a large town in the Umbnah District with a normal population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This fertile large town is densely populated (8,237/sq km), covers 0.47 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 773 meters.

Climate [-]

Steelville has a Dry-Winter Continental climate, which is characterized by warm to cool summers and cold winters, dry winters, and has spring, summer, fall and winter seasons. Winds in the region are breezy and the temperature is generally unbearably cold with little variation. Precipitation is minor, and the sky is mostly cloudy.

Astronomy [-]

Steelville sees a single star overhead: Benek, an average yellow star. Steelville also has a single moon: Chalabos, an average bone white moon. In the night sky, you see nothing unusual.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

Visitors are greeted with a newly finished oak wall that is 5 meters tall. The city wall protects the core 100% of the city, with 5 towers spread along the 3.33 kilometer wall.

Streets [-]

There are 6 roads leading to Steelville; 4 roads are major. The city is lined with crude dirt tracks in a looped pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: racial, wealthy, shops, and industry.

Government [-]

Steelville is governed through a totalitarian government, where the government subordinates individuals by controlling all political and economic matters, as well as the attitudes, values, and beliefs. The government as a whole is seen as somwhat capable. Officials in Steelville are often seen as upright and the policies are revered. The political influence of Steelville in the region is wilting due to racial tensions. In times of crisis, the population turns against itself.

Leader [-]

Steelville is ruled by Governor Brbok Darkmaw. The Governor has been in power for many years and is mocked by the people. There is no visible opposition to the Governor and policies. The right to rule was granted by forgery, and that power is maintained through financial oppression.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a roving thieves, but are rarely enforced. Justice is served by a magistrate, with a common punishment being community service.

Crime [-]

Crime is unheard of. The most common crime is fraud. The imprisonment rate is 0.26% of the population (10 adults).

Military [-]

Steelville has a reverent attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 507 citizens (13%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 273 (7%). Of the active duty military, 22 (4.5%) are special forces. Due to their reverent attitude and newly finished wall, Steelville is spectacularly fortified. Steelville fighters are ridiculed for their use of heavy crossbows in battle. They are mocked for their guerrilla warfare and are considered admirably skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in Steelville is currently failing.

Resources [-]

Steelville is known for the following resources:

  • An old mine inhabited by dangerous caterpillars that are visited frequently by townspeople.
  • Creepy guano deposits that are avoided by witches. One might dig up a chest containing small lyres hidden around somewhere.
  • Dragon wiers that are feared by locals. The locals speak of a chest containing iron maidens in a tomb nearby.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • Legends tell of Surpzer's Bedpan, a cursed bedpan with the power to summon angels. It was stolen from a locked vault.
  • Long, long ago, the townsfolk of Limmouth Crest lived in harmony. Things were always nice, but one day a devil named Shabah Armkiller stole a priceless heirloom. The townsfolk tried to kill Shabah Armkiller, but failed miserably. Along came Cottsy Greasebun the gnome, who was a skilled storyteller. Cottsy had the thought to slay the devil by making a wager with Shabah Armkiller. When Cottsy Greasebun faced the devil, Cottsy Greasebun killed the devil.
  • Long ago, a hag roamed the town. Villagers say that the hag will offer you sweets, then banish you if you are cruel.
  • A long time ago, the townsfolk of Fairax Gate lived in peace. Things were always nice, but one day Thzz'toor the serial killer took over the town. The townsfolk tried to stop the serial killer, but didn't get close. Along came a hero named Hewwan Tiddlygauge, who was a sneaky thief. Hewwan had a plan to trick the serial killer by using magic to banish it. When Hewwan Tiddlygauge faced the serial killer, Hewwan Tiddlygauge killed the serial killer and rescued the hostages.

Events [-]

Steelville is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • Merchant seeks caravan master, cartographer, navigator, and experienced mercenaries for trade expedition. Reward is a priceless heirloom. References required. Mild danger may be involved. Contact Baldor Brightback.
  • Needed: Mercenaries wanted for caravan protection. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Delrigtel Feathergale.
  • Help Wanted: Someone stole my gemstone. Find the louse, dead or alive. Serious inquiries only. Reward is a secret. Mild danger may be involved. Contact Zezn Dreadmaw.
  • Need a change of pace? Bounty for cockatrices, dead or alive. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact S'hooral seh Khalssen.
  • I'm looking for rare gremlins, both live and dead. I have a list of the ones I need. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Katg Neckcracker The Red.
  • Looking for work? Seeking inter-planar messenger. No pay until task is completed successfully. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Mickes Casard.
  • Wanted: Merchant seeks caravan master, cartographer, navigator, and experienced mercenaries for trade expedition. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Artrah Rainstride.
  • Seeking inter-planar messenger. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Gubel Rockfang.
  • Wanted: Require an instructor learned in local lore to tutor my child. References required. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Droorin Thudbaker for further details.
  • Help! Looking for something new? Ranger seeks apprentice. Must be clean. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Darlenlleu Floralseeker.
  • Durgan Orangestone has been kidnapped! Generous payment for safe return. Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Gwatava Kennyrwhisper.
  • I'm looking for rare rats, both live and dead. I have a list of the ones I need. Reward is a secret. A little danger is involved, so expect hazardous duty pay. Contact Gip.
  • I'm looking for rare darkmantles, both live and dead. I have a list of the ones I need. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Yerzin ahn Khalal.

People [-]

The people in Steelville despise outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • James Charell is a female human who is known in the world as being a gifted weaver. She appears idealistic.
  • Aian Wizzcog is a male gnome who is known in the city as being a mediocre tavern. He appears beligerent.
  • Adaag Pearlvest is a female half-dwarf who is known in the city as being a decent ship captain. She appears idealistic.
  • Gil Coggleblast is a male gnome who is known in the neighborhood as being a mocked haymerchant. He appears jolly.
  • Joey Marticroft is a female human who is known in the city as being a mediocre bookbinder. She appears thick.
  • Rronagh Necksnapper is a male half-orc who is known in the region as being a mocked brewer. He appears smitten.
  • Arnan Coggleblast is a female gnome who is known in the region as being a mediocre wagoneer. She appears shifty.
  • Danry Simonll is a male half-dwarf who is known in the city as being a decent messenger. He appears nervous.
  • Carlita Thermoscope is a male gnome who is known in the world as being a skilled deputy. He appears thick.
  • Micke Martiill is a male half-elf who is known in the region as being a poorly skilled cutler. He appears conspirational.
  • Mickey Wilrell is a female human who is known in that part of town as being a renowned engineer. She appears trusting.
  • Daney Southidge is a male half-orc who is known in that part of town as being a gifted lawyer. He appears egotistical.
  • Elartanae Swiftstrike is a female half-elf who is known in that part of town as being a renowned illuminator. She appears quiet.
  • Jory Fransone is a male half-elf who is known in the region as being a reasonably skilled painter. He appears vengeful.
  • James Daviden is a female human who is known in that part of town as being a poorly skilled navigator. She appears treasure-obsessed.
  • Davry Harley is a female human who is known in the neighborhood as being a skilled barber. She appears cowed.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Don Castill, a nihilistic female half-dwarf. She is a commoner who is seeing the city.
  • Dane Andrland, an intimidating female half-elf. She is a paladin who is delivering a message to a peasant.
  • Ilyellinne Dewspear, a shifty female half-elf. She is a commoner who is here to destroy a misconception.
  • Davey Chaleton, an apologetic male human. He is a warrior who is finding a missing artifact.
  • Davry Casrough, a cowed male human. He is a commoner who is finding work as a skilled laborer.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in Steelville:

  • The Thirsty Monkey Worship House [+]
  • The Deepwater Hole Inc. [+]
  • The Dwarven Swagger Wares [+]
  • The Snoring Elves Clinic [+]
  • The Singing Swagger Ship Repair [+]
  • The Ever-full Fox Tap House [+]
  • The Dew Crate City Guard [+]
  • The Beefy Crate Shoppe [+]
  • The Hilltop Friends Star Gazers [+]
  • The Dry Octopus Shoppe [+]
  • The Chipped Wolfhound Inc. [+]
  • The Dripping Maiden Herbalist [+]
  • The Violet Silver Stockyard [+]
  • The Chipped Frog Inc. [+]
  • The Dwarven Beer Shop [+]
  • The Grimy Rooster Wharf [+]