
Welcome to Hallbar!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 1,091
  • Children: 28.14% (307)
  • Elderly: 12.92% (141)

Racial Breakdown

  • 1,024 half-elf (93.8%)
  • 66 half-dwarf (6%)
  • 1 other (0%)


  • 5 Districts
  • 59 Businesses
  • 111 Specialists
  • 117 Residences

Summary [-]

Hallbar is a small town in the Inner Calalak District with a normal population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This modest small town is nominally populated (2,956/sq km), covers 0.37 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 686 meters.

Climate [-]

Hallbar has a Moist Continental climate, which is characterized by warm to cool summers and cold winters with severe snow storms, and has prevernal, spring, summer, monsoon, autumn and winter seasons. Winds in the region are mild and the temperature is generally freezing with strong variation. Precipitation is non-existant, and the sky is continually overcast.

Astronomy [-]

Hallbar sees a single star overhead: Sic, an average yellow star. Hallbar also has a single moon: Himame, a small light blue moon. In the night sky, you see two celestial objects: a massive pulsar that has been around for generations and an imposing supernova that has been around for decades.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

Visitors are greeted with a polished oak enclosure that is 4 meters tall. The city wall protects the core 100% of the city, with 5 towers spread along the 2.91 kilometer wall.

Streets [-]

There are 6 roads leading to Hallbar; 4 roads are major. The city is lined with pristine cobblestone paths in a linear pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: market, mercy, poor, wealthy, and slums.

Government [-]

Hallbar is governed through a republic, where the people's elected representatives, not the people themselves, vote on legislation.. The government as a whole is seen as satisfactory. Officials in Hallbar are often seen as honorable and the policies are revered. The political influence of Hallbar in the region is unwavering due to a thwarted assassination attempt. In times of crisis, the population overcomes their differences.

Leader [-]

Hallbar is ruled by Prime Minister Uovsil Tesganthi. The Prime Minister has been in power for mere hours and is feared by the people. There is strong opposition to the Prime Minister and policies. The right to rule was granted by force, and that power is maintained through vague promises and a constant state of hope.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a police, who can be bribed. Justice is served by a kangaroo court, with a common punishment being maiming.

Crime [-]

Crime is rare. The most common crime is treason. The imprisonment rate is 1.37% of the population (15 adults).

Military [-]

Hallbar has a neutral attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 160 citizens (14.75%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 73 (6.75%). Of the active duty military, 7 (4.75%) are special forces. Due to their neutral attitude and polished enclosure, Hallbar is reasonably well fortified. Hallbar fighters are hated for their use of martial arts in battle. They are despised for their frenzied fighting and are considered moderately skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in Hallbar is currently failing.

Resources [-]

Hallbar is known for the following resources:

  • Substantial new amber mines that are frequented by townspeople. Joes Davorth said the locals speak of piles of platinum in a tomb nearby.
  • Vampire cormorant flights that are avoided by unicorns. Tudet Nightkill said one might find piles of rubies hidden around somewhere.
  • A magical fort inhabited by poisonous peacocks that are avoided by vampires.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • In times gone by, the townsfolk of Quanana lived in harmony. Things were quiet, but one day a devil named Xrurm Brainshredder kidnapped a princess. The townsfolk tried to stop the devil, but were caught. Along came a orc named Shak Headsnapper The Cruel, who was an expert bowman. Shak had the thought to slay the devil by causing a distraction while others struck. When Shak Headsnapper The Cruel faced the devil, Shak Headsnapper The Cruel tricked Xrurm Brainshredder.
  • In the days of yore, the royals of Holy DeByburg lived in harmony. Things were peaceful, but one day Baidu Dommist the murderer took over the town. The royals tried to stop the murderer, but were caught. Along came Don Casman the half-dwarf, who was a skilled storyteller. Don had the thought to slay the murderer by killing the murderer while he slept. When Don Casman faced the murderer, Don Casman banished Baidu Dommist.
  • Some time ago, a Boogyman lingered in the woods. Commoners say that the Boogyman will ask for your help, then give you a gift if you are nice.

Events [-]

Hallbar is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • Someone stole my bracelet. Find the louse, dead or alive. Length of job expected to be short. Will pay in gold. Contact Kia Tiddlyscope.
  • Lockpick needed for totally legitimate reasons. Reward available. Contact Haattel Aleaheart.
  • Adventurers willing to explore recently discovered ruins and return any valuable artifacts. Will owe you a huge favor. Must be a quick learner. Contact Delrigava Duskingweave for more details.
  • Mercenaries wanted for caravan protection. Will reward you with a land deed. References required. No pay until task is completed successfully. Contact Kor Ghosttshredder.
  • Wanted: Seasonal farm hands requested to help local farms bring in their harvest. Will pay in gold. Serious inquiries only. Contact Rugezn Cleaverbasher.
  • Bounty for squirrels, dead or alive. Will pay in gold. Contact Gaeellthil Meadowgazer.
  • imps-catcher needed to keep the beasties away from the sheep and cattle. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Porlak.
  • I'm looking for investigator to look into someone's references. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact S'hoorzor fe Ghezor if intrigued.
  • Help! I'm looking for a Negotiator. Prior experience with troublesome cockatrices required. A little danger is involved, so expect hazardous duty pay. Reward available. Contact Ghrig for further details.
  • cheese tester wanted. Serious inquiries only. Reward is a secret. Contact Tolbornine Rainone.
  • Help Needed: Missing magic candle. We suspect lizards are the culprit. Length of job expected to be short. Reward available. Contact Hewley Wizzblast if interested.

People [-]

The people in Hallbar despise outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • Chariginne Tyrneamight is an androgynous half-elf who is known in the world as being a decent baker. It appears easily offended.
  • Skabul Redstaff is a female half-dwarf who is known in the world as being a skilled watercarrier. She appears pacifistic.
  • Dellenaen Bluecloak is a female half-elf who is known in that part of town as being a decent alchemist. She appears pacifistic.
  • Alanalaen Eytherwaker is a male half-elf who is known in the neighborhood as being a decent social worker. He appears embittered.
  • Joes Berield is a female half-dwarf who is known in the world as being a decent fishmonger. She appears smitten.
  • Joe Clayford is a female half-dwarf who is known in the region as being a skilled sheriff. She appears sick.
  • Uldor Ashship is a female half-dwarf who is known in the region as being a skilled scabbardmaker. She appears smitten.
  • Elelllleu Kindhand is an androgynous half-elf who is known in the city as being a mediocre tanner. It appears attentive.
  • Gardal Jetroad is a female half-dwarf who is known in the city as being a reasonably skilled porter. She appears intimidating.
  • Gardin Grandgrieve is a female half-dwarf who is known in that part of town as being a decent dyer. She appears prejudiced.
  • Filnalanae Goldarrow is a female half-elf who is known in the region as being a renowned laborer. She appears egotistical.
  • Grimrun Beartable is a male half-dwarf who is known in that part of town as being a decent barber. He appears greedy.
  • Don Marden is a male half-dwarf who is known in the neighborhood as being a reasonably skilled miller. He appears giddy.
  • Lobul Steelcloak is a male half-dwarf who is known in the world as being a laughably skilled grocer. He appears jesterly.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Ellanlas Featherglider, a beligerent female half-elf. She is a wizard who is here to buy spices.
  • Mickes Barley, an outlandish female half-dwarf. She is a commoner who is here to secretly assassinate a thug.
  • Donic Jamesford, a greedy female half-elf. She is a warrior who is here to buy supplies.
  • Adarigthil Gyssebow, a gosipy female half-elf. She is an expert who is here to destroy a misconception.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in Hallbar:

  • The Ever-full Three Ale House [+]
  • The Bottomless Clowns Fish Camp [+]
  • The Leaping Helix Blowers [+]
  • The Perfumed Bunch Vinters [+]
  • The Wobblin' Thug Construction [+]
  • The Dancing Weasels House of Ill Repute [+]
  • The Crazy Peacock Dry Goods [+]
  • The Thirsty Kraken Worship House [+]
  • The Wobbly Lion Hostel [+]
  • The Dancing Helix Inc. [+]
  • The Slade Rose Poor House [+]
  • The Elven House Money Changers [+]
  • The Knotted Greyhound Inc. [+]
  • The Burning Thunderbird Mail Service [+]