
Welcome to Edgana!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 1,385
  • Children: 17.33% (240)
  • Elderly: 20.72% (287)

Racial Breakdown

  • 1,345 half-elf (97.1%)
  • 24 elf (1.7%)
  • 16 other (1.1%)


  • 4 Districts
  • 69 Businesses
  • 146 Specialists
  • 171 Residences

Summary [-]

Edgana is a small town in the Britkry District with a normal population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This modest small town is nominally populated (3,146/sq km), covers 0.44 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 748 meters.

Climate [-]

Edgana has a Temperate Deciduous Forest climate, which is characterized by warm and wet summers with mild and dry winters, and has spring, summer, fall and winter seasons. Winds in the region are wild and the temperature is generally cool with little variation. Precipitation is heavy, and the sky is clear.

Astronomy [-]

Edgana sees a binary star overhead: Lux, an average brown star and Mex, an average yellow star. Edgana also has a single moon: Himala, a massive bone white moon. In the night sky, you see two celestial objects: a massive pulsar that has been around for only a few years and an imposing galaxy that has been around for time immemorial.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

Visitors are greeted with a flimsy Iron wall that is 17 meters tall. The city wall protects the core 100% of the city, with 5 towers spread along the 3.15 kilometer wall.

Streets [-]

There are 7 roads leading to Edgana; 3 roads are major. The city is lined with irregular dirt roads in an irregular pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: market, warehouse, trade, and professional.

Government [-]

Edgana is governed through an emirate, where the supreme power is in the hands of an emir, who may be an absolute overlord with constitutionally limited authority. The government as a whole is seen as somwhat capable. Officials in Edgana are often seen as disreputable and the policies are loved. The political influence of Edgana in the region is dwindling rapidly due to riots in the region. In times of crisis, the population overcomes their differences.

Leader [-]

Edgana is ruled by Prime Minister Kiawan Geargadget. The Prime Minister has been in power far longer than should be allowed and is honored by the people. There is no visible opposition to the Prime Minister and policies. The right to rule was granted by foreign imposition, and that power is maintained through financial oppression.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a roving thieves, but are rarely enforced. Justice is served by mob rule, with a common punishment being indentured servitude.

Crime [-]

Crime is occasional. The most common crime is murder. The imprisonment rate is 1.44% of the population (20 adults).

Military [-]

Edgana has a neutral attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 204 citizens (14.75%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 79 (5.75%). Of the active duty military, 9 (4.5%) are special forces. Due to their neutral attitude and flimsy wall, Edgana is reasonably well fortified. Edgana fighters are hated for their use of martial arts in battle. They are much maligned for their frenzied fighting and are considered moderately skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in Edgana is currently steady.

Resources [-]

Edgana is known for the following resources:

  • A creepy mine inhabited by vampire caterpillars that are visited frequently by townspeople. One might dig up bags of saphires in a dungeon.
  • Paltry dangerous bat clouds that are feared by zombies. Somoeone said someone found a stash of platinum in a tomb nearby.
  • Magical vegetable fields that are frequented by gru. One might find piles of copper in a dungeon.
  • Ancient berry fields that are visited frequently by witches.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • Some time ago, a monster named Dobal haunted the world during a red moon. They say that if you caught him, you will die within 24 hours.
  • Legends tell of Alatlas' Cauldron, a special cauldron with the power to find any item. It was never recovered.
  • Legends tell of Snorrim's Bag of beans, a magical bag of beans with the power to speak for itself. It disappeared after an attack by bandits.
  • Legends tell of Ilnaltel's Bag of beans, a unique bag of beans with the power to cause others to fall asleep. It has been lost for ages.

Events [-]

Edgana is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • Help Wanted: Bored? I'm looking for investigator to look into someone's references. Reward is a priceless heirloom. No previous experience required. Contact Mastra.
  • Looking for something new? Seasonal farm hands requested to help local farms bring in their harvest. Will reward you with a land deed. Length of job expected to be short. Contact Mal Coldgirdle.
  • Bounty for cockatrices, dead or alive. Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Pripair.
  • I'm looking for a Transcriber. Need expert to translate runes. Reward is a secret. Contact Prirc.
  • Help! Looking for work? Lockpick needed for totally legitimate reasons. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Rradath Bonenor.
  • Need a change of pace? I'm looking for rare darkmantles, both live and dead. I have a list of the ones I need. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Cees.
  • Lockpick needed for totally legitimate reasons. Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Durmir Brandyhall if interested.
  • Looking for something new? Lockpick needed for totally legitimate reasons. Accidental Death insurance required. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Zhanoz Backcracker.
  • Mercenaries wanted for caravan protection. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Yerssen heh Yeral.
  • I'm looking for a Negotiator. Prior experience with troublesome homuncului required. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Prarpne.
  • Bounty for quazits, dead or alive. Experienced professionals only. Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Thrada Neckcrusher if intrigued.

People [-]

The people in Edgana ignore outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • Chatai Melithrisen is a female elf who is known in the region as being a poorly skilled jeweler. She appears pious.
  • Alatava Rivershadow is a female elf who is known in the city as being a renowned mason. She appears shifty.
  • Abattel Rilynnstalker is a female elf who is known in the world as being a mediocre entertainer. She appears prejudiced.
  • Micke Coron is a male half-elf who is known in the neighborhood as being a poorly skilled herbalist. He appears smitten.
  • Mick Danord is a female half-elf who is known in the neighborhood as being a gifted brewer. She appears cowed.
  • Halnaltel Darkfire is a female half-elf who is known in that part of town as being a decent collier. She appears jaded.
  • Done Andrville is a male half-elf who is known in that part of town as being a skilled good samaritan. He appears quiet.
  • Gaetlas Killeweave is a male elf who is known in the region as being a mediocre magic dealer. He appears intimidated.
  • Jo Peteres is a female half-elf who is known in the region as being a mocked harness maker. She appears guilty.
  • Jamey Andrill is a female half-elf who is known in the region as being a laughably skilled specialty smith. She appears forgetful.
  • Gaeelllas Eytherrisen is a male half-elf who is known in the neighborhood as being a skilled shipwright. He appears boastful.
  • Haavarinne Mistmoon is a male half-elf who is known in the neighborhood as being a laughably skilled lumberjack. He appears grieving.
  • Darlanaen Dewgrove is a male elf who is known in the world as being a mocked banker. He appears skeptical.
  • Haaelltars Eytherheart is a male elf who is known in that part of town as being a skilled bather. He appears deluded.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Falgrimdo Nimblelock, a melancholy male halfling. He is a barbarian who is finding a long-lost distant relative.
  • Adamir Honorsmelter, a skeptical androgynous half-dwarf. It is a commoner who is seeking honest work.
  • Adaelllleu Aleandew, a resentful male elf. He is a commoner who is on a mission to collect a debt.
  • Amamirane Hornspan, a helpful male halfling. He is a commoner who is finding work as a skilled laborer.
  • Faeartai Myrthmane, a resentful female half-elf. She is a rogue who is finding work as a spy.
  • Coly Hillfield, a healthy female halfling. She is a fighter who is finding a missing artifact.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in Edgana:

  • The Slippery Rouge Textiles [+]
  • The Cloven Cavern Inc. [+]
  • The Wandering Elf Grave Diggers [+]
  • The Lecherous Dead Glass Crafters [+]
  • The Cardinal Crow Farms [+]
  • The Surly Wolfhound Legion [+]
  • The Wandering Clowns Furs [+]
  • The Black Peddler Inc. [+]
  • The Pink Flame Wine Shoppe [+]
  • The Lascivious Pony Inc. [+]
  • The Lecherous Snake Blowers [+]
  • The Flabby Rock [+]
  • The Open Stump Firepit [+]
  • The Broken Alicorn Leatherworks [+]