
Welcome to New Coryfalls!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 695
  • Children: 25.32% (176)
  • Elderly: 14.96% (104)

Racial Breakdown

  • 599 human (86.1%)
  • 44 dwarf (6.3%)
  • 35 elf (5%)
  • 9 half-elf (1.2%)
  • 8 other (1.1%)


  • 7 Districts
  • 30 Businesses
  • 46 Specialists
  • 90 Residences

Summary [-]

New Coryfalls is a village in the Trekil County with a normal population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This modest village is sparsely populated (1,256/sq km), covers 0.55 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 836 meters.

Climate [-]

New Coryfalls has a Temperate Deciduous Forest climate, which is characterized by warm and wet summers with mild and dry winters, and has prevernal, spring, summer, monsoon, autumn and winter seasons. Winds in the region are soft and the temperature is generally mild with high variation. Precipitation is non-existant, and the sky is continually overcast.

Astronomy [-]

New Coryfalls sees a single star overhead: Sijan, an average white star. New Coryfalls also has no moons. In the night sky, you see two celestial objects: an imposing supernova that has been around for all eternity and an imposing nebula that has been around for millenia.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

Visitors are greeted with a battered Iron stockade that is 8 meters tall. The city wall protects the core 100% of the city, with 5 towers spread along the 3.23 kilometer wall.

Streets [-]

There are 4 roads leading to New Coryfalls; no roads are major. The city is lined with broken cobblestone paths in a fragmented parallel pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: embassy, market, poor, military, middleclass, trade, and slums.

Government [-]

New Coryfalls is governed through a parliamentary government, where members are nominated to their positions by a parliament and can be dissolved by the parliament if it can no longer function. The government as a whole is seen as sloppy and disorganized. Officials in New Coryfalls are often seen as on the take and the policies are loved. The political influence of New Coryfalls in the region is flourishing due to food shortages in the region. In times of crisis, the population stages ineffective protests.

Leader [-]

New Coryfalls is ruled by General Rxexn Ghosttstomach. The General has been in power for mere hours and is hated by the people. There is public opposition to the General and policies. The right to rule was granted by appointment, and that power is maintained by strict laws and incorruptible guards.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a neighborhood watch, and are strictly enforced. Justice is served by jurors, with a common punishment being maiming.

Crime [-]

Crime is common. The most common crime is treason. The imprisonment rate is 1.15% of the population (8 adults).

Military [-]

New Coryfalls has a reverent attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 100 citizens (14.5%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 38 (5.5%). Of the active duty military, 4 (4%) are special forces. Due to their reverent attitude and battered stockade, New Coryfalls is moderately fortified. New Coryfalls fighters are revered for their use of tridents in battle. They are despised for their frenzied fighting and are considered suitably skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in New Coryfalls is currently vibrant.

Resources [-]

New Coryfalls is known for the following resources:

  • Paltry new fruit fields that are avoided by witches. One might find a stash of platinum in a dungeon.
  • A cursed cave inhabited by carnivorous crows that are hunted by wenches.
  • Creepy rock salt deposits that are hunted by wenches. Somoeone said someone found bags of monkey wrenches hidden around somewhere.
  • An ancient fort inhabited by defenseless woodpeckers that are avoided by zombies. One might find piles of monkey wrenches in a dungeon.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • A long time ago, a ghoul named S'hooral haunted the swamps. People say that if you see him, you will be driven mad.
  • Legends tell of Don's Shoes, a possessed shoes with the ability to summon demons. It was stolen from a locked vault.
  • Legends tell of Bip's Bedpan, a legendary bedpan with the ability to move on its own accord. It disappeared after an attack by bandits.

Events [-]

New Coryfalls is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • Missing cerimonial knife. We suspect rats are the culprit. Will pay in gold. Contact Jame Tramerton if interested.
  • Wanted: I have rabbits in my basement, plz halp! Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Tmoten Oozemurder for more information.
  • Missing tiara. We suspect beaky brain monsters are the culprit. Reward available. Contact Yeral se S'herzor.
  • Bored? Hearty souls needed to recover stolen shovel. Will pay in gold. Contact Yerzor fe S'herzin.
  • I'm looking for a Transcriber. Need expert to translate runes. A little danger is involved, so expect hazardous duty pay. Guild membership required. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Blorc.
  • Jit has been kidnapped! Generous payment for safe return. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Borrim Earthdoor.
  • Wanted: Adventurers willing to explore recently discovered ruins and return any valuable artifacts. Will reward you with valuable information. Must be clean. Contact Grinrc for further details.
  • Require an instructor learned in horseback riding to tutor my child. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Adaag Dragonear.
  • I have brain moles in my basement, plz halp! Will pay in gold. Contact Hewley Cogglejet.

People [-]

The people in New Coryfalls accept outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • Dan Francing is a female half-elf who is known in that part of town as being a poorly skilled tinker. She appears outlandish.
  • Dav Stoard is a female half-elf who is known in the region as being a reasonably skilled librarian. She appears helpful.
  • Faetlleu Riverstrike is a female elf who is known in the city as being a horribly skilled courtier. She appears idealistic.
  • Gaeelllas Baequiglow is a male elf who is known in the city as being a laughably skilled cutler. He appears drunken.
  • Mick Berston is a male human who is known in that part of town as being a decent undertaker. He appears cautious.
  • Daney Wilworth is a female human who is known in the region as being a decent pastrycook. She appears idealistic.
  • Aletiyn Dawnstrike is a female half-elf who is known in the world as being a skilled weaver. She appears skeptical.
  • Done Whitene is a male half-elf who is known in that part of town as being a gifted bleacher. He appears pacifistic.
  • Aesnaltel Wintershade is a female elf who is known in the neighborhood as being a mocked seamstress. She appears cowed.
  • Dan Bartoley is a male human who is known in the region as being a skilled artist. He appears battle-ready.
  • Dane Rosentt is a female human who is known in the world as being a mediocre weaver. She appears territorial.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Balril Darkmine, a jesterly male half-dwarf. He is a druid who is here to destroy a misconception.
  • Agkillian Bloodhoof, a treasure-obsessed male minotaur. He is a wizard who is here to buy supplies.
  • Dav Petererton, a pacifistic male half-elf. He is a warrior who is finding work as a skilled laborer.
  • Haatanae Summerfeather, a nervous male elf. He is a commoner who is traveling with a circus.
  • Delrigtars Shadearrow, a lonely male drow. He is a commoner who is here to buy supplies.
  • Tulvin Triggerblast, a lovelorn female gnome. She is a fighter who is finding a long-lost distant relative.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in New Coryfalls:

  • The Fermented Halflings Shop [+]
  • The Weary Badger Rug Shop [+]
  • The Elegant Ulcer Wares [+]
  • The Flaming Dungeon Inc. [+]
  • The Eastern Halflings Wares [+]
  • The Splintered Halfling Healing House [+]
  • The Lecherous Devil Blowers [+]
  • The Smiling Rouge Shop [+]
  • The Naughty Boar Shoppe [+]
  • The Deadly Paladin House of Ill Repute [+]
  • The Dwarven Rose Shop [+]