
Welcome to Ireman!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 489
  • Children: 33.74% (165)
  • Elderly: 9.00% (44)

Racial Breakdown

  • 342 troglodyte (69.9%)
  • 117 drow (23.9%)
  • 15 goblin (3%)
  • 10 lycanthrope (2%)
  • 5 other (1%)


  • 5 Districts
  • 16 Businesses
  • 21 Specialists
  • 57 Residences

Summary [-]

Ireman is a hamlet in the Conasakmou Region with a monster population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This modest hamlet is lightly populated (503/sq km), covers 0.97 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 1111 meters.

Climate [-]

Ireman has a Temperate Deciduous Forest climate, which is characterized by warm and wet summers with mild and dry winters, and has spring, summer, fall and winter seasons. Winds in the region are non-existent and the temperature is generally cold with moderate variation. Precipitation is trivial, and the sky is partly cloudy.

Astronomy [-]

Ireman sees a single star overhead: Woc, an average brown star. Ireman also has no moons. In the night sky, you see a celestial object: an imposing asteroid belt that has been around for centuries.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

No walls currently surround the city.

Streets [-]

There are 4 roads leading to Ireman; 3 roads are major. The city is lined with rough dirt roads in a warped parallel pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: market, poor, wealthy, shops, and professional.

Government [-]

Ireman is governed through a democracy, where the supreme power is retained by the people, but is exercised through a system of representation. The government as a whole is seen as surprisingly skillful. Officials in Ireman are often seen as honest and the policies are honored. The political influence of Ireman in the region is lasting due to food shortages in the region. In times of crisis, the population cowers in fear.

Leader [-]

Ireman is ruled by Governor Skabul Silverhall. The Governor has been in power for many years and is despised by the people. There is open opposition to the Governor and policies. The right to rule was granted by revolution, and that power is maintained by strict laws and corrupt guards.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a city watch, but are loosely enforced. Justice is served without trial, with a common punishment being torture.

Crime [-]

Crime is rare. The most common crime is treason. The imprisonment rate is 0.82% of the population (4 adults).

Military [-]

Ireman has a disinterested attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 68 citizens (14%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 30 (6.25%). Of the active duty military, 2 (3.25%) are special forces. Due to their disinterested attitude and lack of defensible wall, Ireman is tolerably fortified. Ireman fighters are respected for their use of slings in battle. They are revered for their rigid formations and are considered inadequately skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in Ireman is currently weak.

Resources [-]

Ireman is known for the following resources:

  • Creepy rock salt fields that are hunted by gru. Drorun Coppernose said the locals speak of bags of copper in a dungeon.
  • A creepy battle field inhabited by carnivorous kittens that are feared by witches. Rumors tell of a chest containing kitten mittens in a dungeon.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • Long, long ago in a city far, far away, a devil named Yerssen wandered the fields on rainy days. People say that if you confront her, you will be killed.
  • Way back when, an old man stalked the woods. Commoners say that the old man will offer you sweets, then banish you if you are cruel.

Events [-]

Ireman is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • Mercenaries wanted for caravan protection. Will pay in gold. Experienced professionals only. Contact Gheal ahn S'heral.
  • onion eating contest this weekend. Special prize for first place finish. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Glamm Skullripper.
  • I'm looking for investigator to look into someone's references. A little danger is involved, so expect hazardous duty pay. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Don Franster.
  • Required: I'm looking for investigator to look into someone's references. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Filnalinne Keenwatch.
  • Help! brain moles-catcher needed to keep the beasties away from the sheep and cattle. Mild danger may be involved. Must submit to magical scrutiny. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Mickic Gilrell if interested.
  • Merchant seeks caravan master, cartographer, navigator, and experienced mercenaries for trade expedition. Reward available. May include some hazards. Must provide your own transportation. Contact Elhzer.
  • Missing gemstone. We suspect rust rats are the culprit. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Danic Carling.

People [-]

The people in Ireman accept outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • Joe Brasford is a female lycanthrope who is known in the city as being a gifted painter. She appears guarded.
  • Gkutemt Bladewiser is an androgynous goblin who is known in that part of town as being a reasonably skilled physician. It appears intimidated.
  • Davey Burstone is a female lycanthrope who is known in the region as being a decent warehouse worker. She appears trusting.
  • Daves Bries is a male lycanthrope who is known in the neighborhood as being a gifted collier. He appears helpful.
  • Mickey Davard is a female lycanthrope who is known in the world as being a reasonably skilled bleacher. She appears contrarian.
  • Illeniyn Fairglider is a male drow who is known in the region as being a reasonably skilled tailor. He appears territorial.
  • Mick Benidge is a male lycanthrope who is known in the city as being a mocked cartwright. He appears treasure-obsessed.
  • Donic Franngham is a male lycanthrope who is known in that part of town as being a renowned cooper. He appears prejudiced.
  • Elhra is a male troglodyte who is known in that part of town as being a poorly skilled miller. He appears clumsy.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Sszvy, an exhausted female mindflayer. She is a commoner who is finding work as a mercenary.
  • Gwarigai Dirthrunner, a vengeful female drow. She is an adept who is finding a missing criminal.
  • Beadan Greasegauge, an unreliable male gnome. He is an adept who is doing something nefarious.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in Ireman:

  • The Weary Wand Rugs [+]
  • The Greasy Oarhouse Sheath Store [+]
  • The Refuge Frog Inc. [+]
  • The Cloven Beauty Inc. [+]
  • The Rampaging Urchin Amory [+]
  • The Furious Cup High School [+]
  • The Angry Wagon Shoppe [+]
  • The Honest Monk Druggist [+]
  • The Red Frog Public Jail [+]