
Welcome to South Lambvale!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 4,256
  • Children: 20.49% (872)
  • Elderly: 18.49% (787)

Racial Breakdown

  • 2,120 half-dwarf (49.8%)
  • 1,086 halfling (25.5%)
  • 877 half-orc (20.6%)
  • 137 dwarf (3.2%)
  • 36 other (0.8%)


  • 5 Districts
  • 131 Businesses
  • 620 Specialists
  • 494 Residences

Summary [-]

South Lambvale is a large town in the Cenmanish Province with a normal population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This fertile large town is moderately populated (7,544/sq km), covers 0.56 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 844 meters.

Climate [-]

South Lambvale has a Tropical Rainforest climate, which is characterized by constant high temperatures, continual rain year-round, and has minimal natural seasons, and has negligible seasons. Winds in the region are breezy and the temperature is generally unbearably hot with little variation. Precipitation is massive, and the sky is clear.

Astronomy [-]

South Lambvale sees a binary star overhead: Abaj, an average white star and Uul, an average yellow star. South Lambvale also has a single moon: Theleke, an average dull brown moon. In the night sky, you see nothing unusual.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

Visitors are greeted with a crumbling brick enclosure that is 4 meters tall. The city wall protects the core 100% of the city, with 5 towers spread along the 3.02 kilometer wall.

Streets [-]

There are 6 roads leading to South Lambvale; 4 roads are major. The city is lined with bumpy cobblestone paths in a contour-forming pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: market, warehouse, shops, trade, and civic.

Government [-]

South Lambvale is governed through a democracy, where the supreme power is retained by the people, but is exercised through a system of representation. The government as a whole is seen as adequate. Officials in South Lambvale are often seen as corrupt and nefarious and the policies are despised. The political influence of South Lambvale in the region is negligible due to food shortages in the region. In times of crisis, the population rallies behind its leaders.

Leader [-]

South Lambvale is ruled by President Don Corell. The President has been in power for several decades and is praised by the people. There is peaceful opposition to the President and policies. The right to rule was granted by election, and that power is maintained through the writ of law.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a city guard, but are rarely enforced. Justice is served by a council, with a common punishment being community service.

Crime [-]

Crime is common. The most common crime is fraud. The imprisonment rate is 0.12% of the population (5 adults).

Military [-]

South Lambvale has a negative attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 542 citizens (12.75%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 223 (5.25%). Of the active duty military, 25 (4.75%) are special forces. Due to their negative attitude and crumbling enclosure, South Lambvale is excellently fortified. South Lambvale fighters are ridiculed for their use of light crossbows in battle. They are mocked for their phlanyx formations and are considered properly skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in South Lambvale is currently calm.

Resources [-]

South Lambvale is known for the following resources:

  • A new mine inhabited by defenseless dragons that are avoided by witches. One might find a stash of diamonds in a well.
  • Many vegetable patches that are avoided by travelers. Ghezin ahn S'herzin said the locals speak of a stash of monkey wrenches buried near there.
  • Tame caterpillar nests that are frequented by townspeople.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • Long ago, the royals of San Boomron lived in harmony. Things were peaceful, but one day an evil vampire named Anka destroyed a nearby village. The royals tried to kill Anka, but didn't get close. Along came a hero named Falbor Sunmug, who was a valiant knight. Falbor had the thought to slay the vampire by making a wager with Anka. When Falbor Sunmug faced the vampire, Falbor Sunmug killed the vampire.
  • Some time ago, an old woman frequented the world. Folks say that the old woman will offer you sweets, then turn you into a mouse.
  • In times gone by, the royals of Gavenget lived in peace. Things were quiet, but one day Hupne the wizard destroyed a nearby village. The royals tried to stop the wizard, but were caught. Along came a halfling named Serda Raingold, who was a skilled storyteller. Serda had a plan to trick the wizard by causing a distraction while others struck. When Serda Raingold faced the wizard, Serda Raingold defeated Hupne.
  • In the olden days, a wizard named Zhuguk haunted the swamps. Villagers say that if you see her, you will be stricken blind.

Events [-]

South Lambvale is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • unknown potion tester wanted. Mild danger may be involved. Reward available. Contact Jo Morick.
  • Help Wanted: Someone stole my shovel. Find the louse, dead or alive. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Must not smell. Contact Raruh Bonesnapper The Gray for more details.
  • Lockpick needed for totally legitimate reasons. Will pay in gold. Contact Done Benley to learn more.
  • Mercenaries wanted for caravan protection. Length of job expected to be short. Will pay in gold. Contact Bronir Crystalchest.
  • Wanted: Someone stole my relic. Find the louse, dead or alive. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Zomn Giantmouth if interested.
  • Druid seeks apprentice. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Serda Heatherbrook.
  • Seasonal farm hands requested to help local farms bring in their harvest. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Illnalai Blackstalker if intrigued.
  • Bounty for bats, dead or alive. Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Faldo Jalligage to learn more.
  • Required: I'm looking for a Transcriber. Need expert to translate runes. A little danger is involved, so expect hazardous duty pay. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Malborn Montatender.
  • Wanted: Looking for work? non-lethal poison tester wanted. No previous experience required. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Doney Blackden.
  • I have lizards in my basement, plz halp! Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Got if intrigued.
  • Lockpick needed for totally legitimate reasons. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Throgan Wavefinger to learn more.
  • Help Needed: Someone stole my statue. Find the louse, dead or alive. No previous experience required. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Hilgrinne Bracebones.

People [-]

The people in South Lambvale are critical of outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • Drushurz Bonebreaker is a male half-orc who is known in the region as being a decent bounty hunter. He appears embittered.
  • Per Roadfield is a male halfling who is known in that part of town as being a laughably skilled furrier. He appears battle-ready.
  • Tol Healthybottle is a male halfling who is known in the city as being a poorly skilled soldier. He appears quiet.
  • Garkon Granitekeg is a female dwarf who is known in the neighborhood as being a gifted pursemaker. She appears patronizing.
  • Brogin Bitternose is a male half-dwarf who is known in the region as being a poorly skilled porter. He appears treasure-obsessed.
  • Rhudash Mokcracker The Cruel is a female half-orc who is known in the neighborhood as being a mediocre tanner. She appears cowed.
  • Borag Stoneaxe is a male half-dwarf who is known in the city as being a decent cutler. He appears flirtatious.
  • Mickic Rosentone is a male half-dwarf who is known in the neighborhood as being a renowned astrologer. He appears self-obsessed.
  • Adabor Talonbellows is a male dwarf who is known in the city as being a laughably skilled astrologer. He appears grieving.
  • Mordor Platinumbarrel is a male dwarf who is known in the city as being a poorly skilled artist. He appears authoritarian.
  • Jo Whitesone is a female half-dwarf who is known in the city as being a horribly skilled interpreter. She appears shifty.
  • Davry Andreinson is a male half-orc who is known in the region as being a skilled courtier. He appears boastful.
  • Yorrun Deeproad is a female dwarf who is known in the world as being a decent brewer. She appears forbidding.
  • Mickes Danall is a male half-dwarf who is known in the city as being a decent ship captain. He appears gluttonous.
  • Rrotgash Headsnapper The Cruel is a male half-orc who is known in the world as being a laughably skilled armorer. He appears guilty.
  • Jame Coron is a female half-dwarf who is known in the neighborhood as being a poorly skilled porter. She appears battle-ready.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Dones Petrford, a nervous female half-elf. She is a warrior who is finding a missing friend.
  • Lobul Darkring, a forgetful male dwarf. He is a commoner who is fleeing an assassin.
  • Barnir Opalhair, a smug female dwarf. She is a rogue who is finding a long-lost distant relative.
  • Gaehiassa Killefire, an efficient male half-elf. He is a monk who is brokering a truce over a trade war.
  • Throag Lightningcavern, an attentive male dwarf. He is a bard who is on a mission for diplomacy.
  • Gol Mokcrusher, a fatalistic female half-orc. She is a commoner who is here to secretly assassinate a peasant.
  • Gaetava Melithsworn, a helpful female half-elf. She is a fighter who is following the voices.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in South Lambvale:

  • The Warm Nomad Rug Shop [+]
  • The Broken Halfling Leatherworks [+]
  • The Voluptuous Bull Butchery [+]
  • The Black Clowns Inc. [+]
  • The Wild Snake Bath House [+]
  • The Fermented Toad Shoppe [+]
  • The Greasy Bunk Scabbards [+]
  • The Hungry Jade Legal Partners [+]
  • The Sterling Road Shoes Inc. [+]
  • The Green Harpoon Pottery House [+]
  • The Ugly Monkey Designs [+]
  • The Beefy Tree Shoppe [+]
  • The Raging Darkroot Arena [+]
  • The Frosted Wagon Temple [+]
  • The Wrong Swagger Disposal Area [+]
  • The Violent Skull Inc. [+]