
Welcome to Fontwater!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 888
  • Children: 13.74% (122)
  • Elderly: 23.20% (206)

Racial Breakdown

  • 812 half-elf (91.4%)
  • 28 halfling (3.1%)
  • 16 gnome (1.8%)
  • 15 elf (1.6%)
  • 9 human (1%)
  • 8 other (0.9%)


  • 5 Districts
  • 42 Businesses
  • 72 Specialists
  • 109 Residences

Summary [-]

Fontwater is a large village in the Picanah Province with a normal population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This modest large village is nominally populated (1,880/sq km), covers 0.47 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 773 meters.

Climate [-]

Fontwater has a Temperate Deciduous Forest climate, which is characterized by warm and wet summers with mild and dry winters, and has spring, summer, fall and winter seasons. Winds in the region are strong and the temperature is generally mild with minor variation. Precipitation is non-existant, and the sky is continually overcast.

Astronomy [-]

Fontwater sees a single star overhead: Sijub, an average yellow star. Fontwater also has no moons. In the night sky, you see two celestial objects: a massive asteroid belt that has been around for all eternity and an imposing black hole that has been around for millenia.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

Visitors are greeted with a poorly maintained Iron palisade that is 3 meters tall. The city wall protects the core 100% of the city, with 5 towers spread along the 2.75 kilometer wall.

Streets [-]

There are 8 roads leading to Fontwater; 4 roads are major. The city is lined with pristine cobblestone paths in a contour-forming pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: mercy, poor, fine shops, middleclass, and entertainment.

Government [-]

Fontwater is governed through a democracy, where the supreme power is retained by the people, but is exercised through a system of representation. The government as a whole is seen as surprisingly skillful. Officials in Fontwater are often seen as willing to look the other way for the right price and the policies are loved. The political influence of Fontwater in the region is shrinking due to riots in the region. In times of crisis, the population stages ineffective protests.

Leader [-]

Fontwater is ruled by President Alliwan Tinkerwink. The President has been in power for mere hours and is respected by the people. There is minor opposition to the President and policies. The right to rule was granted by appointment, and that power is maintained through sheer willpower.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a grifters, but are loosely enforced. Justice is served by a council, with a common punishment being maiming.

Crime [-]

Crime is occasional. The most common crime is murder. The imprisonment rate is 1.35% of the population (12 adults).

Military [-]

Fontwater has a reverent attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 128 citizens (14.5%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 46 (5.25%). Of the active duty military, 4 (3.25%) are special forces. Due to their reverent attitude and poorly maintained palisade, Fontwater is reasonably well fortified. Fontwater fighters are hated for their use of unarmed combat in battle. They are despised for their frenzied fighting and are considered suitably skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in Fontwater is currently insulated.

Resources [-]

Fontwater is known for the following resources:

  • Ancient cork trees that are frequented by townspeople. Jamry Chrisell said one might dig up bags of small lyres in a dungeon.
  • An ancient mine inhabited by tame crows that are feared by children. Co Prettyghost said rumors tell of bags of kitten mittens in a tomb nearby.
  • A new fort inhabited by wild beavers that are avoided by witches. The locals speak of a stash of emeralds buried near there.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • In the olden days, the royals of LeHullbridge thrived. Things were always nice, but one day Oestal Oatsoult the minotaur destroyed a nearby village. The royals tried to kill Oestal Oatsoult, but failed miserably. Along came a half-dwarf named Morag Opalhammer, who was a skilled storyteller. Morag had an idea to slay the minotaur by making a wager with Oestal Oatsoult. When Morag Opalhammer faced the minotaur, Morag Opalhammer tricked Oestal Oatsoult.
  • Legends tell of Khalzin's Goose, a possessed goose with the knack to find any item. It disappeared after an attack by bandits.
  • In days gone by, a monster named Trellthul haunted the woods during a red moon. Commoners say that if you see him, you will be stricken blind.
  • Some time ago, the townsfolk of Ainsary lived in harmony. Things were quiet, but one day Kegd Giantrender the ghoul took over the town. The townsfolk tried to stop the ghoul, but didn't get close. Along came a hero named Elattel Morningarrow, who was an expert bowman. Elattel had an idea to slay the ghoul by killing the ghoul while she slept. When Elattel Morningarrow faced the ghoul, Elattel Morningarrow defeated Kegd Giantrender and was killed in the process.
  • In days gone by, the villagers of East Durinburg lived happily. Things were peaceful, but one day a cyclops named Guduk Boarfang took over the town. The villagers tried to stop the cyclops, but were caught. Along came a half-elf named Halhialleu Evenhand, who was a valiant knight. Halhialleu had the thought to slay the cyclops by making a wager with Guduk Boarfang. When Halhialleu Evenhand faced the cyclops, Halhialleu Evenhand defeated Guduk Boarfang.

Events [-]

Fontwater is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • Wanted: Looking for something new? I'm looking for a Transcriber. Need expert to translate runes. Reward is a secret. Contact Brogin Earthstomach to learn more.
  • Wanted: I'm looking for rare quazits, both live and dead. I have a list of the ones I need. Must provide your own transportation. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Jo Casidge for more information.
  • Laborer required to bring stones to the castle. Wagon provided. Prior experience required. Reward available. Contact Gosh Bonecrusher.
  • Adventurers willing to explore recently discovered ruins and return any valuable artifacts. Will pay in gold. Safety not guaranteed. Contact Skaond Uglygrave if intrigued.
  • I'm looking for rare rats, both live and dead. I have a list of the ones I need. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Elhlak.
  • Want to earn some quick coin? Lockpick needed for totally legitimate reasons. Will owe you a huge favor. No pay until task is completed successfully. Contact Danry Andrey.
  • Bored? I'm looking for a Negotiator. Prior experience with troublesome derros required. Will reward you with valuable information. Serious inquiries only. Mild danger may be involved. Contact Belvarssa Teasen'sorrow.
  • Laborer required to bring stones to the castle. Wagon provided. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Brobor Oatdoor.
  • Help Needed: Looking for something new? Adventurers willing to explore recently discovered ruins and return any valuable artifacts. May include some hazards. Opportunity to earn a title. Guild membership required. Contact Skaond Rusttower.
  • Merchant seeks caravan master, cartographer, navigator, and experienced mercenaries for trade expedition. Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Khonig Backsnapper if intrigued.

People [-]

The people in Fontwater love outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • Belnaltars Gyssemight is an androgynous elf who is known in the neighborhood as being a gifted potter. It appears unreliable.
  • Gwatiyn Riverstryke is a male elf who is known in the world as being a laughably skilled soldier. He appears intimidated.
  • Belelliyn Aleanstar is a female half-elf who is known in that part of town as being a decent grocer. She appears vengeful.
  • Gaerigtel Earthrose is a female elf who is known in the city as being a renowned shoemaker. She appears unreliable.
  • Erhiaiyn Frostshine is a female elf who is known in the region as being a skilled salter. She appears intimidating.
  • Micke Brawood is a female human who is known in that part of town as being a decent smith. She appears deluded.
  • Joes Berter is a male human who is known in the city as being a gifted brewer. He appears intimidating.
  • Illananae Riftcloak is a male elf who is known in the region as being a reasonably skilled salter. He appears solemn.
  • Jam Greenwell is a female human who is known in the region as being a gifted coach driver. She appears nihilistic.
  • Jo Robertden is a female half-elf who is known in the world as being a skilled outfitter. She appears attentive.
  • Dav Gilter is a male human who is known in that part of town as being a mocked chickenbutcher. He appears conspirational.
  • Perdo Quicktan is a male halfling who is known in that part of town as being a skilled watercarrier. He appears violent.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Abahiassa Broadform, a sick male elf. He is a paladin who is following rumors of riches.
  • Daves MacBernaick, a shifty female half-elf. She is an adept who is on a mission to collect a debt.
  • Mickic Gilleton, a trusting female lycanthrope. She is an expert who is fleeing a bad family situation.
  • Morgar Earthbreaker, an efficient female dwarf. She is a fighter who is on a mission for diplomacy.
  • Delriganae Longmist, a jolly male half-elf. He is a cleric who is fleeing overdue taxes.
  • Foossha Runestride, a deluded female minotaur. She is a monk who is seeing the city.
  • Snorgin Shinyshoulder, an apologetic female deep dwarf. She is an adept who is traveling with a diplomat.
  • Tor Wizzfiz, a skeptical female gnome. She is an expert who is following rediscovered ancient lore.
  • Halhiaava Dryearmoon, a pious female half-elf. She is a commoner who is brokering a truce over escalating tension.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in Fontwater:

  • The Royal Twins Chop House [+]
  • The Bottomless Days Sport House [+]
  • The Grizzly Cup Inc. [+]
  • The Tired Yawning Supplies [+]
  • The Grizzly Eagle Inc. [+]
  • The Ripped Dog Inc. [+]
  • The Stowaway Kraken Color Shop [+]
  • The Lecherous Axehandle Glass Crafters [+]
  • The Flying Beer Inc. [+]
  • The Crimson Hole Inc. [+]
  • The Flying Mead Inc. [+]
  • The Smiling Crow Shop [+]