
Welcome to Birmvita Mills!

Census Data

General Information

  • Pop. Estimate: 25,062
  • Children: 17.70% (4,435)
  • Elderly: 20.50% (5,137)

Racial Breakdown

  • 10,677 mindflayer (42.6%)
  • 10,351 drow (41.3%)
  • 2,883 gnome (11.5%)
  • 452 goblin (1.8%)
  • 326 half-dwarf (1.3%)
  • 251 ogre (1%)
  • 122 other (0.4%)


  • 10 Districts
  • 468 Businesses
  • 3,843 Specialists
  • 2,915 Residences

Summary [-]

Birmvita Mills is a metropolis in the Nillemeese Territory with a mixed population.

Environment [-]

Geography [-]

This desolate metropolis is densely populated (29,148/sq km), covers 0.86 square kilometers, and roughly has a diameter of 1046 meters.

Climate [-]

Birmvita Mills has a Temperate Deciduous Forest climate, which is characterized by warm and wet summers with mild and dry winters, and has spring, summer, fall and winter seasons. Winds in the region are breezy and the temperature is generally cold with minor variation. Precipitation is minor, and the sky is cloudy.

Astronomy [-]

Birmvita Mills sees a single star overhead: Krox, an average red star. Birmvita Mills also has a double moon: Proropa, an average light blue moon and Chakasto, an average briliant silver moon. In the night sky, you see nothing unusual.

Cityscape [-]

Walls [-]

Visitors are greeted with a destroyed granite enclosure that is 19 meters tall. The city wall protects the core 100% of the city, with 5 towers spread along the 4.41 kilometer wall.

Streets [-]

There are 3 roads leading to Birmvita Mills; 1 road is major. The city is lined with well-maintained dirt roads in a fragmented parallel pattern.

Districts [-]

The city is broken into the following districts: market, mercy, entertainment, trade, industry, poor, warehouse, fine shops, middleclass, and professional.

Government [-]

Birmvita Mills is governed through a federation, where sovereign power is formally divided between a central authority and a number of constituent regions. The government as a whole is seen as adequate. Officials in Birmvita Mills are often seen as incorruptible and the policies are mocked. The political influence of Birmvita Mills in the region is shrinking due to food shortages in the region. In times of crisis, the population gives up their freedom in exchange for security.

Leader [-]

Birmvita Mills is ruled by General Larhiaanae Bannirunner. The General has been in power for years and is praised by the people. There is minor opposition to the General and policies. The right to rule was granted by foreign imposition, and that power is maintained through vague promises and a constant state of hope.

Laws [-]

Laws are enforced by a trade guild, but are rarely enforced. Justice is served by a magistrate, with a common punishment being hard labor.

Crime [-]

Crime is unheard of. The most common crime is fraud. The imprisonment rate is 0.52% of the population (131 adults).

Military [-]

Birmvita Mills has a disinterested attitude towards the military. Their standing army of 3320 citizens (13.25%) is at the ready, with a reserve force of 1879 (7.5%). Of the active duty military, 157 (4.75%) are special forces. Due to their disinterested attitude and destroyed enclosure, Birmvita Mills is terribly fortified. Birmvita Mills fighters are mocked for their use of shortswords in battle. They are praised for their hoarde tactics and are considered spectacularly skilled in battle.

Economy [-]

The economy in Birmvita Mills is currently calm.

Resources [-]

Birmvita Mills is known for the following resources:

  • Abundant clam beds that are visited frequently by zombies. Dzuunk Laughcutter said one might dig up bags of kitten mittens in a tomb nearby.
  • Rare clay deposits that are feared by townspeople. The locals speak of a stash of kitten mittens in a dungeon.
  • Poisonous scorpion beds that are visited frequently by gru. Borkon Barleysmelter said rumors tell of piles of saphires in a tomb nearby.
  • Magical rubber trees that are frequented by gru.
  • Beaver colonies that are feared by unicorns. One might dig up piles of copper hidden around somewhere.

Culture [-]

Legends [-]

Around town you'll hear the following legends:
  • In days gone by, a vampire named Zat wandered the field. People say that if you see her, you will be eaten alive.
  • Legends tell of Belnallleu's Cauldron, a legendary cauldron with the ability to summon demons. It was last seen years ago.
  • In the olden days, the villagers of Tallag lived in harmony. Things were good, but one day an evil monster named Rugemt Nighthost destroyed a nearby village. The villagers tried to stop the monster, but failed miserably. Along came a half-elf named Davry Gilham, who was a skilled storyteller. Davry had the thought to slay the monster by making a wager with Rugemt Nighthost. When Davry Gilham faced the monster, Davry Gilham killed the monster.
  • In olden times, a hag hunted the countryside during a full moon. People say that the hag will ask a favor of you, then eat you.

Events [-]

Birmvita Mills is a lively city with many opportunities available.

Job Postings [-]

You'll find the following job postings:
  • I'm looking for investigator to look into someone's references. Reward is a secret. Contact Beaeno Thermobit.
  • Want to earn some quick coin? Amagrin Nimblejay has been kidnapped! Generous payment for safe return. Will reward you with valuable information. Special attire required. Contact Nhozgzog Headsnapper The Black.
  • Need a change of pace? I'm looking for a Negotiator. Prior experience with troublesome gremlins required. Length of job expected to be short. Special attire required. Reward is a secret. Contact Tolmirada Curlywolf.
  • Seeking inter-planar messenger. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Larnaltars Tyrneasky.
  • Missing puppy. We suspect bats are the culprit. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Dav Blackinson for more details.
  • Seasonal farm hands requested to help local farms bring in their harvest. Experienced professionals only. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Yeral se Ghessen.
  • Looking for something new? Require an instructor learned in juggling to tutor my child. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Thzzth.
  • Want to earn some quick coin? I'm looking for a Negotiator. Prior experience with troublesome derros required. May include some hazards. Reward is a priceless heirloom. Contact Joe Barorth.
  • Bored? Lockpick needed for totally legitimate reasons. May include some hazards. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Ghadud Headbreaker.
  • Wanted: Want to earn some quick coin? Missing puppy. We suspect brain moles are the culprit. Experienced professionals only. Will owe you a huge favor. Contact Gardin Tigerstone.
  • Lockpick needed for totally legitimate reasons. Opportunity to earn a title. Mild danger may be involved. Contact Micke Corland for more details.
  • I'm looking for a Transcriber. Need expert to translate runes. Opportunity to earn a title. Contact Halartava Kennyrlight.
  • Help! I have feral cats in my basement, plz halp! Will reward you with valuable information. Contact Nbomd Oozedoom.
  • Want to earn some quick coin? cooking contest this weekend. Special prize for first place finish. Reward available. Contact Rat.
  • Required: Seasonal farm hands requested to help local farms bring in their harvest. Mild danger may be involved. References required. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Rub Bonecrusher for more information.
  • Need a change of pace? Scholar seeks rare supplies: Scholar unable to gather a rat tail due to age, seeks trustworthy agents to gather materials for research. Safety not guaranteed. Will reward you with a land deed. Must provide your own transportation. Contact Shaman Ghar Backripper.
  • I'm looking for investigator to look into someone's references. Discretion required. Will pay in gold. May include some hazards. Contact Elnallas Auvreachaser.
  • Missing jewel. We suspect gremlins are the culprit. Length of job expected to be short. Reward is a secret. Contact Gab Greasefuel.
  • Wanted: Bounty for squirrels, dead or alive. Will pay in gold. Must be clean. Contact Tulita Gyrogauge.
  • Require an instructor learned in self defense to tutor my child. Will reward you with valuable information. Must be clean. Contact Guk Oakfang.
  • Looking for something new? Adventurers willing to explore recently discovered ruins and return any valuable artifacts. Will reward you with a land deed. Contact Tbog Metalshadow for more information.

People [-]

The people in Birmvita Mills love outsiders.

Citizens [-]

The following citizens are worth mentioning:
  • Arrim Foetracker is a female half-dwarf who is known in the neighborhood as being a horribly skilled spicemerchant. She appears easily offended.
  • Ervarlas Stillstar is a female drow who is known in that part of town as being a laughably skilled interpreter. She appears xenophobic.
  • Pobal Oxbranch is a male ogre who is known in the city as being a mocked haymerchant. He appears sick.
  • Goap Oxfang is a male ogre who is known in the city as being a laughably skilled brewer. He appears melancholy.
  • Broorin Moonear is a male half-dwarf who is known in the neighborhood as being a decent chandler. He appears attentive.
  • Tudezn Cleaverhowl is a female goblin who is known in the region as being a decent interpreter. She appears xenophobic.
  • Yorril Coldcrown is a male half-dwarf who is known in the world as being a reasonably skilled copyist. He appears egotistical.
  • Gaeartinne Duskingborne is a male drow who is known in the world as being a mediocre stablehand. He appears lovelorn.
  • Adarette Cobblebit is a male gnome who is known in the world as being a skilled doctor. He appears trusting.
  • Errigava Ravenlight is a female drow who is known in the world as being a reasonably skilled ship captain. She appears homesick.
  • Xromd Darkgloom is a female goblin who is known in the world as being a skilled banker. She appears helpful.
  • Joic Andrerton is a female half-dwarf who is known in the city as being a skilled engineer. She appears cowed.
  • Trexn Ironmaw is a male goblin who is known in the world as being a reasonably skilled specialty smith. He appears guilty.
  • Ninvin Triggerbun is a female gnome who is known in that part of town as being a poorly skilled warehouse worker. She appears greedy.
  • En'toor is a male mindflayer who is known in the region as being a laughably skilled prostitute. He appears clumsy.
  • Snorrin Paperbreaker is a female half-dwarf who is known in the city as being a gifted bleacher. She appears guilty.
  • Waerrl is a male mindflayer who is known in the region as being a poorly skilled illuminator. He appears impatient.
  • Babnk Electrojet is a female gnome who is known in that part of town as being a laughably skilled librarian. She appears smug.
  • Jam Blackford is an androgynous half-dwarf who is known in the city as being a laughably skilled tanner. It appears deluded.
  • Babva Cobblegauge is a female gnome who is known in the region as being a gifted physician. She appears skeptical.
  • Cargles Wizzwink is a male gnome who is known in the neighborhood as being a mocked magic dealer. He appears exhausted.
  • Tgeb Cleaverwiser is a male goblin who is known in the city as being a decent baker. He appears forgetful.
  • Kiaxie Triggergauge is a female gnome who is known in the region as being a gifted locksmith. She appears xenophobic.
  • Donry Ferford is a female half-dwarf who is known in the world as being a mocked grocer. She appears solemn.
  • Larlanssa Jadesong is a female drow who is known in the city as being a poorly skilled woodworker. She appears territorial.
  • Adaarttars Featherstryke is a female drow who is known in the world as being a mediocre ropemaker. She appears gosipy.

Travelers [-]

The following travelers are worth mentioning:
  • Grumrun Feastbreeches, a beligerent female half-dwarf. She is a fighter who is finding a long-lost friend.
  • Aigan Rocketgauge, a prejudiced male gnome. He is a monk who is cleaning out a monster infestation.
  • Jednic Longkan, an embittered female minotaur. She is a ranger who is seeking dishonest work.
  • Ellenaen Wishstar, a jaded female oddball. She is a wizard who is traveling with a circus.
  • Dabal Boartooth, an embittered androgynous ogre. It is a druid who is here to buy spices.
  • Beltava Aleaneye, a spiteful male drow. He is a warrior who is finding work as a healer.
  • Jam Stoan, a homesick female half-elf. She is a commoner who is here to destroy a rumor.
  • Rugezn Nightrender, a quiet female bugbear. She is an expert who is finding a long-lost parent.
  • Vor, a fashion concious male kobold. He is a commoner who is doing something impossible.
  • Merril, an embittered male mindflayer. He is an expert who is here to buy slaves.
  • Doney Simonfield, a fatalistic male lycanthrope. He is an adept who is here to buy spices.
  • Malrette Rocketfuel, a patronizing male gnome. He is an expert who is seeing the world.
  • Elly Highflower, a nosy male halfling. He is an aristocrat who is seeing the world.
  • Perdely Skybody, an unreliable male halfling. He is a cleric who is traveling with an acting troupe.
  • Ser Hamgoat, a skeptical female halfling. She is an expert who is here to secretly assassinate a thug.
  • Gorrim Opalkeg, a sick male dwarf. He is a barbarian who is here to buy spices.
  • Yerssen se Khalssen, a thick female lizardfolk. She is a wizard who is on a mission to capture someone.
  • Dave MacBracroft, a smitten male half-elf. He is a commoner who is here to destroy an artifact.
  • Mal Goodfingers, a prejudiced male halfling. He is an aristocrat who is finding work as a merchant.
  • Rbub Ghosttmouth, a nosy female bugbear. She is a bard who is traveling the world as a trader.
  • Zuk Gianthand, a resentful male hobgoblin. He is a warrior who is following a message from an angel.
  • Daney Jackcroft, a grieving androgynous half-elf. It is a monk who is traveling the world as an unemployed specialist.
  • Tmor Foulfury, a xenophobic female hobgoblin. She is a druid who is here to destroy a misconception.
  • Gakah Headbreaker, a flirtatious female bugbear. She is a commoner who is fleeing overdue taxes.

Locales [-]

Establishments [-]

These establishments worthy of mention in Birmvita Mills:

  • The Sloppy Alicorn Reference Center [+]
  • The Fat Urchin Inc. [+]
  • The Slaughtered Bill Charity [+]
  • The Wiley Dead Shop [+]
  • The Last Road Hats Shop [+]
  • The Twin Kettles Enchanters [+]
  • The Chipped Weasels Inc. [+]
  • The Happy Rooster Millers [+]
  • The Royal Cat Chop House [+]
  • The Ripped Bull Inc. [+]
  • The Puking Rooster Locksmith [+]
  • The Wistful Pig Outlet [+]
  • The Crippled Urchin Inc. [+]
  • The Crippled Octopus Inc. [+]
  • The Happy Bucket Mill [+]
  • The Highlighted Priest Star Gazers [+]
  • The Plaid Well Youth Hostel [+]
  • The Lazy Snake Shop [+]
  • The Gray Octopus Inc. [+]
  • The Nomadic Badger Inc. [+]
  • The Yellow Days Dumping Ground [+]
  • The Refuge Ent Inc. [+]
  • The Knotted Knife Inc. [+]
  • The Dry Imps Shop [+]
  • The Grizzly Bag Inc. [+]
  • The Frosty Peddler Temple [+]